Hot Monogamy

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Jay Fibus has been helping couples and individuals make the most of their sexuality for over 20 years. Counseling is available for individuals and couples.

Hot Monogamy topics may include:

  • Low sexual desire
  • Female sexual disorders
  • Male sexual disorders
  • Changing unproductive habits and beliefs
  • Sexual anatomy and physiology
  • Birth control
  • Adolescent sexuality
  • Gender roles
  • The important difference between sensuality and sexuality
  • Sexual fantasy
  • Varieties of sexual behavior
  • Increasing sexual satisfaction
  • Sex in the later years
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
  • Virginity
  • Fidelity
  • Infertility
  • Body image

* Certified by Dr. Pat Love as a Hot Monogamy Workshop presenter, Dr. Fibus applies Hot Monogamy as part of his integrated approach to relationship coaching and counseling.

For a free phone consult, call Dr. Fibus at 818.395.2831.